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Brokering purchase of innovation – benefits and lessons learnt

15 oktober, 2024 13:00 - 15:00

During this webinar you will get to know the benefits and lessons learnt from
the projects
BRINC and P5Innobroker, presented by the project partners as well as some of our
participating public organisations. The BRINC consortium will also present an open access toolkit.

To facilitate procurement of innovative goods and services, the BRINC and P5Innobroker projects have used the Innobroker (Innovation procurement brokerage) method to facilitate communication and strengthen the links between public buyers on the demand side and innovative companies on the supply side. We have assisted in public authorities’ innovation needs assessments and choice of procurement strategy, helped to locate innovative suppliers and aided both parties in pre-tender market dialogues, helped formulate functional demands including legal advice, and seen to that Request For Information and tender material reaches the right target groups. During this webinar you will get to know the benefits and lessons learnt by listening to the project partners as well as some of our participants. The BRINC consortium will also present an open access toolkit.

13:00 CET, Welcome and presentation of BRINC project
Joan Juul, CLEAN, Denmark

13:15 CET, Testimonies from public authorities

Pre-tender phase – the support of Innobrokers in refining needs, and supporting dialogues with the market
Panel moderated by Marja Boström, Hållbar Utveckling Skåne, Sweden
Jordi Pujadas, Institut Català de la Salut, Spain
Lotta Hansson, Malmö kommuns parkering, Sweden

Cross-border collaboration – the support of InnoBrokers in finding partners and gathering market interest
Presentation by Anne Møller Howe
, City of Copenhagen, Denmark

14:00 CET, The sister project P5I Innobroker. Lessons learnt and recommendations from both projects
Joan Juul, CLEAN, Denmark
Maja Lukic Grabovac , Sarajevo Economic Region Development Agency (SERDA), Bosnia and Herzegovina

14:30 CET The BRINC Innobroker toolkit
Joan Juul, CLEAN, Denmark

14:40 CET, Questions from the audience and wrap-up

15:00 CET, The end

 ——–>  Register here  <——–


If you have questions contact Marja Boström, marja.bostrom@hutskane.se



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Hållbar Utveckling Skåne